A Few Of My Son’s Latest…

…meaning here’s a few of Kerry’s recent, funny comments (he’s 4, by the way):

Kerry: “Mommy, what’s wrong?”

Me: “I’m just getting tired.”

Kerry: “Well, you’re getting pretty cranky too, aren’t you?!”


Sarah (my 6 yo): “What does ‘brainwash’ mean?”

Kerry: “I think it means your head has been washed.”


Me: “I told you both to put those poles away or someone is going to get hurt! (I meant that someone might be accidentally impaled with the tent poles).

Kerry: Please…Let it be Sarah!!

2 Responses

  1. Yes, that’s right! His comments are quite honest and often quite funny as well!

    I want to underscore the honesty, while also teaching him some understanding, respect, compassion, etc. In the meantime, while trying to follow my Lord and raise these kids right, I can also enjoy a little laughter! I have to keep my sense of humor in order to keep my sanity!

  2. Sometimes kids are so honest it’s funny. Thanks for sharing.

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