I Say “Thank You!”

Thank You

By: 33 Miles

What if in the morning when I wake up
Even before I fill my coffee cup
I said thank you
Thank you

What if I looked at the day and the hours ahead
and before I moved forward I bowed my head
I said thank you
oh, I said thank you

What if I looked at my life in a different way
took a little more time to stop and pray
I know it would change all the moments in between
so here I go

Thank you for everything
Thank you for loving me
it don’t even matter what tomorrow brings
well I will sing my

Thank you for sun and rain
for what you give and take away
for all your goodness I will always say
thank you
oh, I said thank you….


It’s really been on my mind and heart, so I just had to include at least a portion of the above song in today’s post. (You may view the song in it’s entirety and obtain a “listening link” when you visit this previous post here.)

Well, I guess I’d better get on with this week’s list. The only other statement I’d like to make first is that this is the easiest weekly post for me to participate in, because I never run out of “material!” There are always things to be thankful for, and I thank and praise God for that. I truly enjoy and benefit from doing this weekly post, because it really helps me to purposely look back at the week and make note of all the wonderful blessings!


I Thank The Lord:

–that my husband has a job, and for the monthly paycheck he receives. We may not have the funds to do much extra, but I sure am thankful for being able to pay the bills (and pay them on time!).

–for the family get-together and outing we had with Scott’s family this past weekend.

–for the long quiet time I had with the Lord this past Sunday (I really needed it, and I was able to pour out my heart to Him about several different issues). I’m also grateful for the help of the Holy Spirit when Dad and I sang at church Sunday morning. All the way around, this past Sunday was a very nice day. I also enjoyed the choir practice we had that night…I thought it went great, and I enjoyed the fellowship and laughter as well.

–for the blessed time at the Senior Citizens luncheon on Monday. I’m glad I went (I had to push myself a little because of other things to do, feeling a little tired, etc.). It felt good to serve, and the kids had fun playing with Matthew.

–for the two boys mowing my yard Tues. They came well-prepared (with a riding mower, a push mower, and 2 excellent trimmers), and they did a great job. (I have just not felt up to doing it lately, and our weed-eater has been broken for months!) Our yard looks great, and the best part is that I didn’t have to do it! ;-) Instead, while they were mowing the yard, I was cooking pancakes with Sarah, and enjoying some quality conversation with both the kiddos! -D

–for all the things I have been able to get done today! I am SOOOO thankful for the help I received from Sarah and my niece Rachel! (Yes, I did pay them a small allowance, but it was well worth it! -D I have to admit, the kids do a much better job when they know they’re getting paid a little! Also, I figure it’s good for them to learn about earning something, the value of a dollar, saving, etc.).

–for His protection, provision, and guidance today. (Scott was working some from home today, so I took his car to get the oil changed, while he was here with the kids).  I was having trouble deciding where to take it, since my regular trusted place was over-scheduled.  Anyway, I got some recommendations to go to a local tire place.  I was quite skeptical when they mentioned the need for new front tires (since I had figured on not being able to get out of a tire place without them telling me I needed new tires! ;-) )

Anyway, so I went and looked for myself (many years ago, I had some prior experiences with driving on VERY unsafe tires and wheels…giving my Guardian angel a workout! -D ). Yep, the guy didn’t even have to show me…as soon as I glanced at the left front tire on the rack, I recognized the familiar sight.  The only difference this time was that unlike me, my husband had actually inspected the outside rim of the tires before.  The problem was that one couldn’t easily see the uneven, dangerous wear on the interior side of the tire (like you could once it was on the rack).

Yeah, o.k., so a small part of me wasn’t real thrilled with the extra, unexpected expense today, but I am still VERY thankful!  You see, every day, my husband drives a long commute to work on a major interstate with heavy traffic.  Of course, the last thing he needs is a blow-out or a flat-tire!  So I am quite grateful that we discovered the dire situation of the tires, and that we were able to get it taken care of today!  -D


**For more Thankful Thursday posts and participants, please visit Iris @ Sting My Heart.

6 Responses

  1. Nice post! I love to read the regular everyday things that people are thankful for…like a fresh cut lawn and discovering that a tire needs replacing before it becomes a problem! 🙂

    Hi Mariah! Yes, I’m trying to learn how to appreciate more of the simple, everyday blessings. There are so many of them that I know I tend to take for granted. Thanks for stopping by!

    Blessings, Janet

  2. Thank God for providing for your family’s needs. I pray that God will continue to bless your husband’s work and provide for your family’s every need. It is very encouraging to read of the lovely quiet time you had with our Lord. How I treasure those time too to pour out my heart to God. Thank God that He loves us and care for us in many wonderful ways daily. Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. Take care and God bless you always!

    Hi Nancie! Thanks so much for your prayers and for your sweet message. I’ll be dropping by your site too! Blessings always, Janet

  3. Such a very sweet thankful post, blessings to you.

    Hi Denise! Thanks so much for your encouragement each week! Meet you over at your site! Blessings, Janet

  4. What a beautiful song and a lovely post!

    Remain blessed!

    Hey, thanks so much! I’m headed your way…over to your blog. Blessings, Janet

  5. Hi Janet,

    I thank God that He enables us to meet through blogging. I enjoyed your posts.

    Thanks for visiting me and commenting too. Thanks for your Friendship and encouragements. I have two awards to share with you (Share The Love Award and Friendship Award). Do come over when you have time. Take care and God bless you and family always!

    With appreciation and prayers,

    Hi Nancie, You are too sweet. Thanks so much for the awards and for being a weekly encouragement to me! Blessings always, Janet

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