New Vision…New Blog

Well, I know I’ve taken several months off from blogging.  I’ve still been around on the Internet…keeping up with friends and family through Facebook.  However, I realized the other day, that I really do miss blogging.  I’ve determined it has served an important purpose for me…it’s even been a kind of therapy for me in the past.

Anyway, a lot of changes have occurred for my family and I in the last few months or so.  As a result, even though I want to get back to blogging, I sense that I need to start afresh.  This blog covers one season in my life, and so as I begin another phase, it seems appropriate to start a new blog.

I also believe that God has begun to show me a new direction and vision.  So from now on, I will be posting at: “Receive Your Sight” With this renewed vision, God is still supplying the daily provisions (and revisions) for this spiritual journey.


“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Prov. 29:18


This quiz says…

…”I’m a Thanksgiving!” I guess I can live with that…As long as you don’t call me “Turkey!” ;-) I found this fun little quiz over at Gina’s. When I took it, I got the same results:

You Are Thanksgiving
You are a bit of a homebody who enjoys being in the company of people you love. It doesn’t take a lot to make you happy. You’re enjoying life as it is. You have many blessings in your life, and you are grateful for each one. You believe that life is about what you *do* have. You feel like you have enough of the good stuff. What makes you celebrate: Family, friends, and the changing of the seasons. At holiday get togethers, you do best as: The host of the party On a holiday, you’re the one most likely to: Spend so much energy preparing that it’s a full time job

A Monday Meme

I found this meme at Gina’s site and decided to join in the fun! I discovered it on Monday and started it that night, but I’m finishing it up today.

Gina says to “tag yourself if you want to play!” So here goes:

  1. What was I doing 10 years ago? I was in my second year of marriage. My husband and I were living in a 1 bedroom apartment and were starting to look at houses. I was just getting ready to change jobs also (from one county to another county…public school system). I was also hoping and praying to pay off some debt and start having some babies in 2-3 years!
  2. What are 5 things on my to-do list for today? –(1)Pick up my 9 yr. old niece, run a couple of errands (pick up med., go to store, pick up film, etc.), and take kids to the library; –(2)Work on budgeting, fixing up bills, subtracting checks, etc.; –(3)Household chores (piles of laundry, dishes, cleaning up, cooking dinner, etc.); –(4)Work on paper-work (Program Application for Classical Conversations for homeschooling next year…9 pages altogether, Dentist new patient information…4 pages, calendar stuff, and planning for summer and next school year; –(5)Catch up on blog, emails, etc.
  3. Snacks I enjoy: Popcorn, peanuts, and yogurt (…Well, o.k., I used to REALLY enjoy chocolate snacks, but not so much any more…I mean I would of course enjoy them if I let myself have them. Well, that is I would enjoy just about anything chocolate until I felt guilty afterward!! ) )
  4. Things I would do if I was a billionaire: To be honest…I really haven’t given this much thought before. I would just be SO EXCITED and happy to get all our debt paid off (old college loans, credit cards, and consolidation loans). So, if I suddenly became a billionaire, I would promptly pay off all our debts (including our house payment) and be DEBT-FREE!! Immediately, I would call and tell my husband to quit his job too (and we could start some kind of home business and some sort of ministry). I would also help out my family members and friends. I would give to my church, World Missions, orphanages, pet shelters, etc. I would also want to take some family vacations, do some traveling, and go visit all our different relatives in different towns and states. Finally, I would set up some AWESOME college funds for the kiddos!! ) **P.S. Oh, and I would also have all our carpet torn out and replaced with hard-wood floors! Then, I would hire a maid!! ) Oh, and perhaps I would hire a chef and personal trainer too!! (You know, while I’m dreaming, I might as well make it really good!!)
  5. Places I have lived: I grew up and lived in the same house my entire childhood. Since then, I’ve still stayed mostly in N.C. (I’ve lived in at least 4 different towns/cities in N.C.) I also lived in Panama City Beach, Florida for one summer.
  6. Jobs I have had: **See prior post…“13 Jobs I’ve Had.”

It’s Thursday!

It’s Thursday…which means it’s time to give thanks! Well, I mean, every day is a time to be thankful, but today’s the day that I put it in writing! Today I would like to start out with a couple of verses from my devotional reading this morning:

“But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.” –Romans 6:17-18

“But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” –Romans 6:22-23


I thank the Lord for:

–Freedom from the bondage of sin

–The honor of being a servant of righteousness

–The gift of Eternal Life


I am also thankful to the Lord for:

–This week’s VBS at our church

–For all the youth leaders, helpers, and everyone who has contributed to and participated in VBS

–Every good thing the kids are learning this week

–The youth

–Father’s Day, a great dad, and a wonderful husband

–All my family and friends


**P.S. Update: I love how Iris (the host of this meme) thanks the Lord for her “Beloved!” Lately, I have felt more thankful than ever for mine, and her post has inspired me to say more about Scott!  My husband loves the Lord and serves Him and does so much for us and for our church.  Scott has truly encouraged me lately to want to “go the extra mile” and to do more for Christ and for others and to have a better attitude. I thank the Lord for him and his example to the kids and I.  I am also thankful for Scott’s love and provision for his family.   What a blessing it is to have a hubby who loves the Lord and loves the kids and I so much!


**For more Thankful Thursday posts and participants, please visit Iris @ Sting My Heart.

Thursday of Thanks

Thank You Lord for all you’re doing in my life. Thank You for all the little ways you’ve shown me this week that you are still with me. Thanks for your love, encouragement, peace, and renewed strength…


I’m Thankful For:

–My doctor, his wisdom, and medications that help me

–Our new friends Suzanne and Ethan

–My friend Hollie’s babies…that they are doing remarkably well (at birth, Savannah weighed 1 lb. 14 oz. and Joshua weighed 2 lbs. 1 oz.) **Update: Please see the end of this post.

–The repair of our central air-conditioning (especially with the recent, crazy heat wave we’ve had here)

–The Classical Education Method and CC groups

–The Classical Conversations Practicum (For Homeschooling)–from this past week

–The day camp for my kids this week and my mom keeping the kids one day

–The renewed hope and inspiration I have obtained for next school year


**For more Thankful Thursday posts and participants, please visit Iris @ Sting My Heart.


**Update: Savannah was not doing as well Friday. She is having a hard time, as her heart is not doing like it should. Please pray for Savannah that she will start doing better. Joshua is doing good so far.

I’m Thankful For…

  • The unconditional love of my Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ.            
  • His forgiveness.
  • His mercy.
  • His understanding.
  • His grace.
  • His patience.

I am thankful that He does not give up on me, even though I often want to give up on myself.  I’m thankful that He is understanding, when I am not.  I’m grateful that He has soooo much more patience than I will ever have!!  I get soooo incredibly frustrated with myself, but He is faithful to see me through!  He doesn’t have unrealistic expectations of me…He knows all my imperfections and weaknesses, and yet He loves me anyway!

However, He does, of course, expect me to press on in His strength. I can’t just give up,  because I don’t get things precisely right the first time!  I may not always do things perfectly and gracefully, but that is no excuse to quit trying! I am thankful that He spurs me on in love!


**For more Thankful Thursday posts and participants, please visit Iris @ Sting My Heart.

Reminiscing…Part 2

Oops, somehow I completely forgot about Wordless Wednesday last week! I didn’t even realize it until a couple of days later! Well, anyway, here’s this week’s:


Wordless Wednesday–May 21st: Kiddos & Reminiscing

Where Is That?…

…it was just here…I know it was! It’s like it grew legs and ran away. No, it sprouted wings and flew away! Do you know the feeling? Well, I guess this post will show just how disorganized and scattered I can be at times, but for some reason, I can’t resist! Besides, I’m sure some of you out there can relate, and those who can’t…try not to gloat too much!

So…my Thursday 13 for this week is:

Edition #11

13 Items I Frequently Lose (and spend a lot of time looking for!):

1. Tape (No matter how many tape dispensers I keep on hand, I can never seem to find tape when I need it! Can anyone relate?!)

2. Scissors (I finally found one central place to put the several pairs of scissors, and I’ve pretty much learned to put them back. However, in the middle of using a pair, I still tend to lose them a lot…you know, the whole sprouting wings thing and disappearing act!)

3. Ruler (I think we now have at least 6-8 rulers in the house, yet no one can seem to readily locate a ruler when they need one!)

4. Brush, comb, hair barrettes, hair ties, spray conditioner, and spray detangler (Can’t imagine why I have so many bad hair days?!)

5. Socks (S-h-h, don’t tell anyone, but my socks don’t always match exactly!)

6. Umbrella (I’ve quit carrying one; I only do rain-jackets with hoods now.)

7. Wipes (With small kids around, I just cannot tell you how inconvenient it is to not have a wipe handy when ya need one!)

8. Tissues (Results in situation much like #7 alluded to above!)

9. Gloves (Who needs ’em anyway…I think I’ve just about given these up too! Luckily, I live in the south!)

10. Sunglasses (I have improved with finding these since I’ve gotten two or three pairs at the dollar store, and I keep a pair in my vehicle.)

11. Pen (O.k., I don’t know how many 10 packs of pens I have purchased at the dollar store. I could have a hundred pens around here and not be able to find one when I need it most…like to take down an important message! What I usually will find instead is an unsharpened pencil or a broken crayon! )

12. Keys (I’ve started putting my house key and vehicle key in my pockets–one in each pocket of my jeans. This works out pretty good until I leave them in my pockets at night and spend the next morning going through pocket after pocket!)

13. Cell Phone (This is another item that must grow legs and run off some where. It just never seems to stay where I leave it…it’s very unruly!)


–One item I can usually find is my Bible, and that’s a good thing…’cause it’s my “road map!”


**Update: P.S. O.k., I just have to mention this…Mom, when you read this post, I know what you’ll be thinking! >>“That ‘girl’ is just like her father!”>>

What, can I say…we have to manage with the cards we are dealt, right?! Hee, hee, hee!


**Other TT editions include:

Edition #1: Thirteen Reasons For Homeschooling

Edition #2: Thirteen Reasons I Love My Dog

Edition #3: Thirteen Jobs I’ve Had

Edition #4: Thirteen Things That Make Me Smile

Edition #5: Thirteen Tidbits About The Author

Edition #6: Thirteen of My Favorite Songs & Artists

Edition #7: 13 Names for God

Edition #8: 13 Heroes

-Edition #9: 13 Weight Busters

-Edition#10: Thirteen Scriptures


Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Homeschooling Stuff…

O.k., I’m a little behind on this meme, so I’m making an effort in this post to catch up a little.

At The Heart of the Matter, there have been themes from the last couple of weeks in which I did have things to add. In fact, I had even written them down, but just never had time to post them. Anyway, since I had something to contribute for both of these themes, and I think they’re both concerning important homeschooling issues, here goes:

From April 18th–“The Things My Child Taught Me…”

The kids have taught me:

  • that it’s not about me, but about them!
  • to model the behavior I want–be an example (don’t be slothful, procrastinating, impatient, cranky, etc.)
  • to take school time seriously and to make it a priority
  • that “school is ALWAYS in session!” The kids are constantly learning and are always watching!
  • __________________________________________________

    From April 25th–“Habits of a Happy Homeschooler”:

    The following is a list of habits, which I find are important for my family and me:

    1. Every morning, it is best if I have my time with the Lord first thing. I like to (at least) read Our Daily Bread devotional, the Bible selection, and pray before we start our day and our homeschooling time.

    2. I make general plans and schedules, while also “planning” to be FLEXIBLE!!

    3. I try to keep each student’s main supplies, workbooks, and materials in one place.

    4. I try not to answer the phone during school time.

    5. I try to sit down with the kids and focus just on school-work for the given amount of time.

    6. When the kids or I start to get frustrated, I often stop and pray with the kids.


    **I also believe that it is very important to not let myself be led by my feelings. I try to guard against giving into despair, self-pity, feelings of inadequacy, etc. When I start to get down, I review my reasons for homeschooling. I also pray, read my Bible, seek God, and seek Godly counsel and wisdom. Furthermore, I go to “seasoned” homeschooling moms for encouragement and guidance.


    O.k., now this week’s theme is “Favorite Books.” Unfortunately, it is getting late, so I will have to continue this in a day or so!

    Until next time, “Blessings and Happy Homeschooling!

    May 1st–Thankful Thursday

    I’m thankful for:

    –The Bible verse, John 3:16 and what it means. My pastor spoke on this last night at church. He also made mention of yesterday’s Our Daily Bread devotion (concerning this verse). You may view this devotion here.

    –God’s provision and guidance this past week, along with each and every day.

    –Proper perspective–obtained through prayer, Godly counsel, His Word, fellow Christians, time, experience, humor, etc.

    –The prayers of others.

    –My Lord Jesus, my husband Scott, our 2 beautiful children, our families, friends, church, home, and for all God’s gracious and precious gifts… (The list is too long to ever name them all!)


    **For more Thankful Thursday posts and participants, please visit Iris @ Sting My Heart.