Recent Family Photos

10/11/09–Got Scott’s dad to snap a few quick family pics after church…Hadn’t had a family photo in 3 yrs.! Little Kerry is now 6 and Sarah is 8…and Scott and I, of course, are getting younger and younger every day!! =-)


Ah, there we go…the youngins are smiling a little in this one! 🙂


Daddy thinks he’s SOOOO clever…but you can tell by my face that I’m on to something. I can tell by Sarah’s face that she’s bursting at the seams…trying to hold it in and not tell me! Little Kerry’s like “Hee, Hee, Hee! Mom’s got rabbit ears…I’m not going to tell her…I could keep this to myself ALL day!!” =-)



Hee, Hee, Hee…it’s just the parents in on it this time…See how happy I look!! 🙂 The kids look so innocent and unsuspecting!! Hee, Hee, Hee!! =-)

(Can you tell I’ve been w/ Scott a LONG time?! Yes, I’m certainly learning some of his ways and sense of humor!! =-) )


Scott and I…I just love how serious he looks and how his expression hardly changes at all from 1 pic to the next!! How does he do that?!


My gray shows a little more in this one. It was nice to be closer to hubby though….but he looks even MORE serious in this one!

Happy Monday!

Ever had this feeling?  I sure have, but it’s never been this funny:

Preciousness and Puppies

They’re SOOOOO cute!  You think I want another puppy?  Who said I want another puppy? 🙂


…for Mother’s Day…


I’ve been reminiscing this morning…looking through some old blog posts from 1-2 yrs. back. I found a few quotes from my kids that I thought I’d share again. I’m glad I posted these, ’cause they sure do bring back memories…


**Originally posted on

–My son has really been acting out the last couple of days. (I think Kerry assumes he can get away with more, and he’s mad that Daddy is not here.) Anyway, I’ve had to “crack down” on him. Sunday night, the kids and I had the following dialogue :

“You’re S-O-O-O mean!” exclaimed Kerry.

Apparently, I’m not mean enough!” I maturely quipped back. ;-)

Sarah suddenly exclaimed, “No Mommy, please don’t get any meaner!!” -D


**From my Sarah Beth, over a yr. ago:

–Sarah had gotten upset about something and wanted me to hold her. So, I sat down with her in the old recliner. After a few minutes, I told Sarah I had to get up, because I had a lot of things to do.

Just a few more seconds,pleaded Sarah. Oh, Mommy, sometimes I miss the ‘baby days.” -D


**Some of Kerry’s one-liners from about 2 yrs. ago:

–”Don’t give me a bath, Mommy!” protests Kerry. “I don’t need one. I don’t stink bad, I stink good!”

–”Do you want to wear your rain boots today, Kerry?” I ask. “NO!” he says. “I want to wear my sunny boots!”

–At dinner one night, Kerry says, “I love your hamburgers, Mommy…even the black part!”

–”I’m mad at you, Mommy!” Kerry exclaims. “And you’re getting fired!”

–(One) morning, little Kerry says to me, “Good Morning, My Happiness!”


** Originally posted on

–Last night, when I was putting Kerry to bed, his words brought tears to my eyes. …And no, surprisingly this time, the tears weren’t from hilarious laughter. You see, Kerry has more than one way of “getting to” Mommy…

Kerry looked up at me so sweetly and said, “You’re the mommy I should have.”


**********Happy Mother’s Day!!************


Not Your Typical…

…Wedding Guest Interview


As many of you know, my hubby, Scott has a second job. He is also a videographer for Chestnut Photography in his “spare time.” Anyway, he has done oodles of wedding videos, but for a family member, he also made this additional bloopers video. I think it’s pretty cute and funny. Well, o.k., actually, it really cracks me up!  Hope you enjoy! 🙂

Has My Site Gone…

“to the dogs” ?!       :)


Hey bebeh  hao U doin?

funny pictures of dogs with captions


dis be  da face of happee

Mountain…What Mountain?!

On this spiritual journey through life, who can’t use a little humor and encouragement? I praise God for the gift of laughter and for uplifting messages I receive all along the way. Today, a friend sent me an email containing several Christian cartoons by Michael D. Waters. I especially LOVE this one:




Did you enjoy that as much as I did?! What a simple, yet very effective visualization! When we step out in faith and trust in God, His awesome power will be unleashed!! That mountain doesn’t stand a chance!

**For more Christian cartoons by Michael D. Waters, check out his website at:

“The Inside Track”

O.k., I just think this is so cute and hilarious that I have to pass it on! Oh, and I also want to say, there’s only FIVE days until Christmas! If I don’t see ya back here before then… MERRY CHRISTMAS!! -D


I’ve always heard it helps to know…someone on the inside of an operation:


**You can find the above pic and more at LOLCATS. (You can also personalize a free eCard! -D )

These Crack Me Up…

…and yes, I’m easily amused. -D Hey, who can’t use a laugh, anyway? How ’bout you? Just take a look for yourself:

funny dog </p> <p><a href=

funny dog pictures with captions

funny dog </p> <p><a href=


funny dog pictures with captions


**I especially love the last one. Doesn’t he look like an old tough guy on a cop show? O.k., um, maybe it’s just me… (Hee, Hee, Hee!) Uh, hmm, anyway

Even if you don’t find these funny…SMILE, it’s FRIDAY! Woo-Hoo! -D


**For more funny dog pics, visit:

Daily Dose of Doggies

Oh, what can I say…it’s just one of those kind of Mondays. I need a good quiet time, a decent cup of coffee, and a dose of doggy cuteness. (And maybe a good, swift kick in the backside wouldn’t be a bad idea either! ;-) )


I just found these pics I’d saved…(some from several months ago). Here’s some funny ones:





…And here’s some cute, precious, and funny ones:





**Previously found above pics, as once displayed at: