
**Update: Nov. 17th, 2008: I like to live on the edge…and keep things exciting and interesting! I’m a homeschooling mom!!

**Update: Oct. 30th, 2008:

I want this blog to mean something to others and even to me. I want to encourage others, connect, relate, etc. (I love to receive encouragement, ideas, tips, Godly counsel, wisdom, etc. from other Christian women as well.) I desire to bring glory to God and to share the Good News with others and let people know how much He loves all of us. He has done so much for our family.

I also love the idea of preserving memories of this awesome journey… “the daily Christian walk,” motherhood, homeschooling, family, marriage, kid’s sayings and pics, etc. In addition, I like being able to share these with family members and friends who live far away.


I. Author and Family

Hi! My name is Janet.

I am a:

-wife, mother, daughter, sister

-home school teacher, homemaker, etc.

-servant of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.



I like to:

Write–devotionals (to inspire, encourage, share), kid’s stories (to make you laugh), and just day-to-day stuff (that I think folks can identify with)…

Read–the Bible and …Guideposts {Yep, I just love ’em–I’m just as surprised as you–I’m turning into my mother!–(no offense, Mom!) }

-Sing, play guitar (well, I really need to get back to playing to be sure I still can!)

-play board games with the kids and our family

-visit state forests and parks–I love nature and the outdoors…

-stay in contact with family and friends from all over…


**Note: If you’re interested, below are a few meme posts about me:

A Game of Tag, Anyone?

A Monday Meme

“Tag–I’m It!”


A Few Tidbits…

Yes–Who Writes These Anyway?


-I went to college for 6 years to get a job that pays just a little more than public school teaching! Yep, that’s right.

-I worked as a professional school counselor for five years, before I quit work at the end of my first pregnancy to stay home with my baby. (If you’re wondering if working as a school counselor had anything to do with me home schooling now–you’re on the right track).

-I have been married for 12 years to my wonderful husband Scott. He now supports the family financially, and he supports me emotionally and spiritually, as I take on the task of homeschooling.

Our family

This is a photo of my sweet, little family–including my husband Scott and I and our 2 children, Sarah and Kerry (from our 1st yr. of homeschooling, taken in late 2006). Sarah is now almost 8, and Kerry will soon be 6. (We started homeschooling in Feb. of 2006, when Sarah was 4.5). We’ve been homeschooling for 3.5 yrs.


Sarah and Kerry



II. Welcome and Purpose


The name of my homeschool is School of Daily Provision–hence the name of this blog. Matthew 6:11 says, “Give us this day our daily bread.” When I was trying to think of a name for my homeschool, the word that kept coming to me was “provision.” I knew that I would not be able to even approach such an endeavor as homeschooling without “daily provision” from our Lord Jesus Christ. Each day I need a daily dose of patience, kindness, discernment, wisdom, etc. Of course, don’t each of us need such attributes from the Lord no matter what our occupation? I am thankful that whatever I need I can go to Him and ask, knowing that He will provide. “…Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”–Matthew 6:33

Again, welcome, and have a blessed day.



This blog is intended to keep “folks in the loop” (aware of prayer requests, current family & homeschool news, etc.) and to hopefully be a spiritual encouragement to others. Speaking of “purpose,”–yeah, I’m not really sure about the purpose of this picture either, but isn’t it pretty?!



III. Marriage–Our Beginning–God’s Provision, Timing, and Will

Below is a group of posts that tells the gist of our story–how we met, fell in love, and got married (eventually)…

We’ve Grown Up Together

A Very Long Walk…

Even at 15…

“Was It Something I Said?”

“In Due Time” (Waiting For God’s Timing)

“What Do–A $1,000 Budget, A Respected Indian Pastor, and An ’86 Chevy–Have in common?”

13 Responses

  1. Hi Tamara! I took a quick look at your site and it looks really good. I bookmarked it, and I will be back to take a closer look later.

    Thanks so much for your comment and your visit!


  2. Hi Janet,

    I’m glad to find out that you’re a homeschooler and that you like a lot of the same things that I like. (writing, playing board games, singing, spending time with family and reading the Bible) You have a very nice blog, and I will be back again to visit. I like the name of your homeschool too. Ours is Abundant Life Academy. The name was inspired by John 10:10.

    John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

    May God guide you as you educate your children.



  3. Nice site! I’ll add this to my blogroll. And thanks for dropping by in mine 🙂

  4. Thanks for adding me to your Blogroll.
    The water picture is pretty – even if there is no specific purpose.
    You’re family picture is so nice. I’ve been thinking about trying a western theme with our family.
    I’ll be back!

  5. My mom (her blogs are Life: The Journey and The Simple Mom) sent me a link to your site. I’ve enjoyed looking around. 🙂



  6. Hi Kelsey!

    I’ve enjoyed visiting your mom’s sites and yours as well. Thanks for stopping by!

    God Bless,

  7. Hi there! Your Blog is fantastic! Today’s entry with the song on walking through the valley really hit home with me.

    I am the founder of an educational ministry. Please take a look- http://www.TeachingwithTLC.com. Make sure to check out the Blog with teaching tips, too. I also offer free parent workshops through e-newsletters that are sent out bi-weekly. Any help to spread the word would be appreciated.

    Thanks so much and happy homeschooling!

  8. Janet-
    I love your blog (web-site)! I look forward to reading more of it. I loved your latest post with the Erma Bombeck selection. I could picture you with the kids…I’m the same way. I can’t wait to get them to bed, to have some ‘me’ time, but how long will that last until I crave to have some ‘kid’ time, and won’t be able to anymore?

    God Bless You,

  9. Hi Frances,

    Thanks so much–so glad you could really relate! Such situations (on this journey of motherhood) sure can be ironic, huh?! 🙂


  10. Hello Janet! I am so glad I stumbled on your site, I have been making bloghop rounds to see how far I can go with my quest to find as much Christian women bloggers, for what reason? Oh, nothing much, just want to feel good knowing that there are a lot of likeminded people (For God) out there… 🙂
    I will be reading this blog from time to time… 🙂

    Hi Hazel, Thanks so much for stopping by! Isn’t it such a blessing how many Christian women bloggers are out there?! Praise The Lord!!

    P.S. I left you a comment at your blog the other day. I enjoyed my visit!

  11. Hi Janet,

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog.

    I am so glad to get to know you. I love to read what you have written you. May God be your guide and joy as you serve Him in your various gifted ways. May God bless you and family with abundant spiritual blessings and temporal needs. May His joy continue to be your strength daily!

    Thanks so much, Nancie! Until next time….

  12. Janet, I’m a co-worker of Melissa’s and we are all very concerned for her and Andrew, but we know we’d be in the way at the hospital. Do you have any recent updates? Your listing on the church’s website is the only real information we have gotten. Thank you greatly for that and God bless.. Keri Peevey


    Thank you so much for your concern. The family has been called in. I will post any further details on the church website (and maybe on prayer requests here).

    God bless,

  13. Congratulations on a great family blog. Sounds like you really enjoy motherhood. My wife, Pat, did also.
    She home schooled each of our three kids in the early 70’s when it was not very popular. Many thought we were nuts. Glad we did though. Each of our kids homeschooled their kids or had them in Christian schools.

    We now have 11 grandchldren and 1 great-grand child.

    Now at 75 I’m still pastoring churches after 53 years.We’re in our 20th year at Alameda Bible Church in Albuquerque, NM. I hope to keep my Hidden Treasures web site going even after I retire.
    God bless you and make you a blessing to others.
    Mal Bicker mgbpjb@msn.com

    Mr. Bicker, I appreciate your comment SOOOO much. It’s so encouraging to me to learn about your experience homeschooling and that your kids have been homeschooling too! I know there certainly weren’t as many people homeschooling when you and your wife did so. Although, I’ve still had several people to think I’m nuts for homeschooling also! 🙂 We’re definitely still in the minority around here. No one in my family has ever homeschooled, and we’re the only ones from our church to do so. However, I’m thankful for local homeschooling groups and homeschooling families I meet on the Internet. There’s such a wealth of information and resources available online too.

    Thanks again for your uplifting remarks! Blessings to you and yours! In Him, Janet

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