Christmas Memories

Tomorrow is…

…my little Kerry’s birthday!!  He will be 6 yrs. old…so hard to believe!!


Little Kerry, Happy Birthday!!  I love you SO much!!


Here’s a couple of links (from last year) about my precious little boy:

“Five years”

“Happy In Hats”

Kids, Butterflies, and Cute Stuff

The kiddos were playing in the backyard the other day, and discovered a bunch of beautiful butterflies.
They caught a couple, and here’s one of the beauties on Kerry’s finger.
On Kerry’s nose:
On Sarah’s nose:
The kids’ friend, Ethan was over at our house recently, and the 3 kids piled into the old recliner! As usual, Sarah’s like the mother hen, and she’s got a little boy on either side! 🙂
Sarah and Ethan. Aren’t they cute?! 🙂

Science Museum w/ Friends

The other day, we went back to the Science museum and spent a little more time. This time, the kids and I went w/ my friend Suzanne and her son Ethan.   Below are just a few of the pics I got. {The others haven’t been processed yet. (Yes, I did say “processed”…I know…how “archaic” is that, huh?! =-) ) }


This is Sarah, Ethan, and Kerry in front of the bell (in front of the museums.)



Quite a large bite on that one, huh?!



Sarah, Suzanne, Kerry, and Ethan






Cooh, huh?! =-) Ceiling of dino exhibit…flying Pterodactyls.


Our Visit To The Zoo

This trip to the NC Zoo in Asheboro was a couple of weeks ago (7/25/09). We went with Scott’s cousin Phillip and his family.  Of course, I took LOTS of photos, but I’ll just share a few here:


Hubby Scott and little Kerry.
1st animal we got to see.
I love this shot of Mother and baby!! 🙂
This lion sure is enjoying “something.” (Glad that something wasn’t my leg!) =-)
I love this shot of the bear. It was an extremely hot day…I love the way he’s just hangin’ round in the water.
Love this shot of the polar bear too and the very blue water.
Otter taking a rest from swimming. See how sleek he looks.
Daddy holding Kerry up for a better look. 🙂
There was a statue of an elephant that the kids wanted to get up on for photos. Here’s Kerry, Sarah, Rebecca, and Christopher. (Rebecca and Christopher are Phillip and Gloria’s kids…Phillip is Scott’s cousin from the beach.) The kids had such a great time getting together!
(These last shots were taken w/ Sarah’s little digital camera…we took turns.)
Rebecca…ain’t she cute?! 🙂
Here, the kids were starting to look rather tired.
Here’s a tip…take pics of people at the VERY beginning. Ya know…BEFORE they’ve walked around all day in a 100 degree weather!! =-)
Scott just thinks he’s SOOOO funny!

Gracie’s 4th B-day

I’m getting these posted about a month late! The kids really enjoyed doing this for Gracie. It was all so cute! 🙂 So sweet of our neighbor Keon to come by w/ a gift also! 🙂
4 yr. old Gracie…anticipating her “cake” and gifts! 🙂
This is what the kids put together for Gracie…they broke up several treats to put on top of her “cake.”
Our neighbor Keon stopped by to give Gracie a gift…Wasn’t that sweet?! 🙂
Keon w/ present full of treats, while Kerry looks on.
Keon showing the gift to Gracie. She enjoyed all the various treats immensely!! 🙂 Gracie says, “Thank you very much, Keon!”

It’s All About The Princess

“Kid’s Play…It’s all about the Princess!!” =-)

Our neighbor Keon came over to play w/ the kids. They have such a great time playing together, just using their imaginations. (I’m thinking Sarah came up w/ this idea, but the boys played along! 😉 )


These dudes are serious about protecting the princess!! =-)


Keon looks cool in this photo, huh?! Just look at that focus! 🙂


Ooh, Kerry looks kinda mean, huh?! He’s very serious…and tough, of course!


A-h-h…Sarah, the princess. Yep, she’s lovin’ it!! 🙂

Family B-Day Fun & Fellowship

This past Sat., we had a combination b-day party at my brother Johnny’s house . [A belated one for Johnny (July 5th) and a little early for my daughter Sarah (July 23rd).] This is the cake I baked, and I decorated it the way my Sarah Beth suggested. 🙂
Sarah w/ cousin Ally (Johnny’s oldest).
My brother Johnny (I know it’s hard to believe, but yes, he’s younger. Hee, Hee, Hee! 🙂 ) Mom is beside him.
Eli, Brenda (Johnny’s wife), Sarah, Ally, and Kerry:
Ally, Sarah, Eli, and Kerry:
Here’s Eli, Johnny’s youngest…he’s 3.
Johnny, cutting the b-day cake.
Dad and Johnny.
My Sarah Beth…who is 8 yrs. old today!

Museum Trip

Today (on Sarah’s b-day) the kids and I went on a museum trip w/ my sister-in-law Lisa & my two nieces, Heather and Rachel. We went to the NC Museum of History and the NC Museum of  Natural Sciences. It was a great day, and it wore the kids out! (always a plus!! 🙂 )

Sarah and I took turns taking these pics w/ her little digital camera. Hope some of them turned out alright! 🙂 :


Sarah, Kerry, and Rachel w/ statue of a Native American woman.


An African American Soldier:


Pirate Blackbeard:


Pirate Treasure:


Kerry steering the play pirate ship.


The only photo we got from the science museum…

My Sarah Turns Eight…

…on Thursday, July 23rd! Here’s just a few pics of her early b-day party from this past Sat.:



Happy Birthday Sarah Beth!!!

We all love you very much!!!


**To learn more about my Sarah Beth, visit this post from her last b-day: “Seven Years”


**Note: These photos were actually taken this past Sat. at a combination b-day party for my brother Johnny and my daughter Sarah. (Johnny’s b-day was July 5th, and Sarah’s is Thurs., July 23rd.)  There will be more pictures to follow…