Tomorrow is…

…my little Kerry’s birthday!!  He will be 6 yrs. old…so hard to believe!!


Little Kerry, Happy Birthday!!  I love you SO much!!


Here’s a couple of links (from last year) about my precious little boy:

“Five years”

“Happy In Hats”

Today is…

…my Mom’s birthday!


Mom, Happy Birthday!! I love you!!


Sharing The Good News

Sometimes I start to wonder if I’m not bold enough in my witness to others.  However, I’m quickly reminded that I MUST be led by the Holy Spirit, and I cannot force such things.  In my personal relationships, God will lead me…He will give me the words to say at the right time.  I find when I try to “speed things up” and “take matters into my own hands,” that I can easily become self-righteous or at least come across that way.  The words won’t come out right because the focus was wrong from the beginning.  Our focus should always be on Jesus…His leading, His way, His timing, His power to save.  “Tearing people down” about their sinner status is no better than giving them a false sense of importance.  The point is…excessive pride or self-condemnation put the focus on the sinner, not the Savior.

Any good thing we do is for His glorification.  The sin in our lives is evidence of our need for a redeemer.  I thank the Lord that He didn’t come to make us feel good about ourselves, nor did He come to condemn us!! (“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” —John 3:17 )

He came to give us life and to set us free!! Now that is some good news worth sharing!!

“People don’t need to be beat on the head with the bad news that they are condemned for being a sinner. We should be telling them the good news, that Jesus loves them and died to redeem them from condemnation.”  –Mike Waters




**For more Christian cartoons by Mike Waters, you may visit: