Prayer Request

Aunt Teresa is with our Lord in Heaven today. Her pain is gone, but that of the family endures… Please remember the family in your prayers.

More Exciting News!!

My cousin Tiffany is getting married Sat., Sept. 29th!! Congratulations to Mark and Tiffany! Please keep these two sweet, Christian people in your prayers as they embark on the wonderful journey of marriage!

I love you Tiff, and I pray God will bless you and Mark in your union, as I’m sure He will as you both depend on Him!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Mom! (Yes, today is my mom’s birthday). Mom, I thank God for you, and I love you very much!

Latest from Tiff…

My cousin Tiff’s message and prayer request from Wed., Sept. 12th:

…Please pray for mom this afternoon. Per her surgeon in Roanoke’s request, she went to the ER in Rocky Mt last night just to get a CT Scan and they sent her home without one. Her surgeon still wants one, so she went back today at 4:00 to get it. After the results come back from the scan, the doctors there will be draining off some fluid from her stomach to help alleviate the pressure in her stomach. Thank you Dr. Hagy for your determination to help my mom!! Please keep her in your prayers in that this will work and help mom to feel much better. As far as I know right now, I do not think that this will require an overnight stay. We’ll probably be home later in the evening to celebrate her 58th Birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!

Message from yesterday, Thurs., Sept. 13th:

Mom received her CT Scan yesterday, however no fluid was drained. She goes in to see her Surgeon in Roanoke today for her results and to see what needs to be done next. Please keep mom and this appointment in your prayers. Please also pray for mom’s swelling to go down and for her continued spiritual strength in the Lord.

Please continue to keep my aunt Teresa in your prayers. Thank you so much for your prayers!

Did I Blink?

How did Little Kerry go from this:


to this:


Yeah, I know, the same way Sarah went from this:


to this:


Yeah, I guess I do know how it happened, but how did it seem to happen so fast? Did I blink?

Tiff’s Updates…

My cousin Tiffany sends the following family updates, prayer requests, and praise reports:

1. Please continue to pray for mom as she’s had a rough week this past week. She’s going today to have another X-ray to make sure her chest is clear from Pneumonia. Please pray that we can get her off of her antibiotics and that she will regain some of her strength. Continue to pray for her spiritual needs, if not more than her physical. Please pray that she and the Lord will walk hand-in-hand everyday and that HE will renew her strength! Great is HIS faithfulness!

2. Dad had a good appt on Wednesday. His cancer has not grown any since the last CT scan about 5 months ago. His surgery can be put off longer now. They will recheck him again on Dec 5th. Thank you Lord!!!!

3. GOD IS GOOD AND ANSWERS PRAYER! Derek and Shawn are the proud parents of a PRECIOUS baby girl, Bailey Nicole Spencer! She was born 7lbs and 11oz and 19 and 3/4 inches long. She was born on 8/31 at 12:33pm. 

4. And if a new baby isn’t exciting enough, I have more news… I am engaged! Mark asked me this past Monday evening and no date has been set as of yet. Please pray for God’s discernment in choosing a date and time… and in the planning process. We want HIM to be the focal point of our wedding & marriage!


Thanks so much for your faithfulness in prayer, and please continue to keep Teresa, Sammy, and the family in your prayers.

Recent Prayer Update

My cousin Tiffany just sent me another update about Sammy and Teresa. She says that her parents are doing well, but of course still desire our prayers. Also, Tiffany asks that we continue to pray for Derek and Shawn and the safe arrival of their “precious little Bailey.” Shawn’s due date is “right around the corner”–September 4th!!! For further details, please click here.

Great News!!

My cousin Karen’s son, Chandler, does not have Lupus after all!! Praise The Lord!!

His spleen is still enlarged, so please continue to pray for him.

Back To Homeschool Week


Another homeschooling mom and blogger is hosting:


Back to homeschool week!


There is a topic for each day and my hope is that my fellow homeschoolers here in the blogosphere will participate by posting their own experiences on their blogs. This is the time of the year that our thoughts begin to turn towards curriculum, planning and scheduling, and I thought that gathering together to encourage one another would be beneficial all of us.

**Below is the list of topics for the week:

Monday, August 6—What led to your decision to homeschool?
Tuesday, August 7—How do you homeschool?
Wednesday, August 8—Getting out there…
Thursday, August 9—If I had only known…
Friday, August 10—Curriculum

To find out more, visit her blog, I Have to Say. To view my comments, click here.

Tiff’s Latest Update

Cousin Tiff sends the following update:


Hi all,

This will be a brief update on mom and dad. Thank you all so much for your continued prayers!!!! Keep them coming!

Love you all,

Mom is currently at Roanoke Memorial Hosp. She had a procedure done to help stop the nausea and such. It went well and she’s feeling SO MUCH better! She’s getting back to herself again! LOVE seeing that big smile on her face. But please pray specifically for her digestive system to start working again and that she can eat normally soon. Please also pray for mom’s mental and spiritual battles during this time in the hospital as well. She amazes me… she is SO much stronger in the Lord that she even realizes!

Dad went for a 2nd opinion last week and it is definite, he will need to have a laryngectomy. However, there is no rush to have surgery because dad’s cancer is a rare and VERY slow growing cancer. All the Dr’s agree that mom should be first and foremost on dad’s mind right now and they reassured him that it was ok to put off his surgery.

Thank you Lord for allowing mom’s procedure to help her to feel better! Thank you in that the form of cancer dad has, it’s so slow growing! Thank you for providing for our needs everyday and for your unending Grace! Forgive me for times that I fail to trust in you. Thank you for your unfailing love!

John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

I also thank you for your prayers for my aunt and uncle. They have been such an inspiration to me, just as I know that they have been to many of you. As my cousin Tiffany says please “keep the prayers coming!!”