Reminiscing…Part 2

Oops, somehow I completely forgot about Wordless Wednesday last week! I didn’t even realize it until a couple of days later! Well, anyway, here’s this week’s:


Wordless Wednesday–May 21st: Kiddos & Reminiscing

4 Responses

  1. Sarah looks like a little Shirley Temple in her red coat. All cute pictures!

    Yeah, I love this photo of her–it really shows off her curls and her personality. She still has that Shirley Temple way, but she’s lost most of those curls!

  2. Beautiful children.

    Hi Jeanine,

    Thanks for your comment and thanks for stopping by!

  3. Very cute! Pictures are such a treasure.

    Hey Cynthia! Yes, they are such a treasure. I love being able to record them on the blog like this, along with funny comments they make, etc. Good memories…good stuff!

  4. Both Sarah & Kerry look very cute in their pictures.
    They are so full love & energy.

    Hey Regina! Yeah, I love being able to capture some of these memories…I sure don’t want to forget!

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